Sunday, May 22, 2011

National League For Woman`s Service


During World War 1 women had a role to take over what the men would do. The National League For Woman`s Service is a powerful group of women who help changed the societies mind about females. They called themselves (NLWS). Most of them trained to work in hospitals and on the fields to help the men win the war. Although many weren’t able to fight side by side but they were able to help. For example the nurses on the camps would nurse the wounded soldier until the soldier is ready to fight again. Other women would be sent for kitchen work.  

The women in the kitchens would cook and clean for the men until they were told otherwise. The women didn’t only cook, clean and nurse the men but also sometimes fill in their places. The women who were trained had done that job. When they saw that they were low on men they would send in some women to fight until the sick men were cured. Anna McFadden was an important woman at the time too. She enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve as a nurse in June 1917 at Garfield Memorial Hospital in Winchester. The National League of Women`s service continued after the war too. 


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 This picture represents that women are people to. It says that this is there war too and that they can help too. It`s not only up to the man to fight in the war.

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